Called into the studio by Headsnack and Regenerated Headpiece to drop some guitars on their latest song Alternative Facts.
Catch a Break
Headsnack walks us through his method of beat-making and producing. I’ve had the privilege to work on this track with Headsnack and am responsible for all the guitar tracks on his song “Catch a Break,” which was featured by American Musical Supply.
See more from Headsnack and check out some of Headsnack’s favorite gear at AMS.
T-Verb Acoustic Demo
My song Before the Wall is featured in the latest Eventide T-Verb video. The video is an edit of my song that demonstrates the T-Verb effect used on the song. The video was directed and shot by Training Snacks. Stay tuned for the unedited version of the song and different video.
Blackhole Theme
Recently I had the pleasure of working on some music for the Eventide Blackhole plugin. I created the Blackhole theme where the effect is the only effect used on every track in the song. It was another fun little project with Training Snacks that I actually tracked with my mobile studio in a hotel room in Hawaii while I was there on other business.
Just Like Me
Hey guys, I just finished working with Jonny Buffalo on his song “Just Like Me.” It’s a great song he wrote that I had the privilege of playing guitar and bass on, as well as producing and engineering it. Check out Jonny Buffalo on Facebook and take a listen to the song below.
Merry Christmas!
Keeping in the tradition I started 3 years ago of recording a Christmas song for the holiday, this year I decided to have some fun and recorded Jingle Bells with the help of my kids and their friends. I worked up an arrangement, laid down some bass, guitar, drums and percussion then invited my kids and their friends down to the studio to do some singing. By the time the last chorus rolled around, I had sufficiently lost control of them all as is evident on the record – but it was awesome. I paid them in Fudgsicles for their efforts and captured some pretty cool moments on the tape.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Training Snacks Commercial
For all the musicians and music lovers out there, check out Training Snacks for the latest gear reviews, tips and tutorials. They recently put together a pretty slick commercial, which yours truly had the honor of playing on, check it out.
Whirlwind Tutorial Background Music
I’ve been working with Training Snacks on some projects lately and they decided to use an instrumental version of my song Butch’s Place for their PCDI/PCUSB tutorial for Whirlwind. Check it out here…
And check out Training Snacks for some more informative gear content.
Whirlwind IMP2 Video
I teamed up with my boy Headsnack over at Training Snacks to lay down a little guitar on this video here for the Whirlwind IMP 2 & IMP-JT direct boxes.
Check it out!
Whole Lotta Love with Mister Nobody
Another video from the Old Canal Inn show with Mister Nobody. Doing Led Zeppelin’s, Whole Lotta Love.
Come Together with Mister Nobody
Performing Come Together with Mister Nobody at the Old Canal Inn, 15 August 2015.
House of the Rising Sun
Was home sick not too long ago and decided to play around with The House of the Rising Sun, one of my favorite songs.