
Happy New Year! Unfortunately I didn’t get to carry-on my tradition of recording a Christmas song this year as things were just too busy elsewhere in and out of Primo Studios. I was contacted by a local artist right before New Years requesting a track for one of her performances on New Years Eve. I had 2 days to get it done – it was a tight deadline, but I was able to compose and record this before the deadline…

May the new year find you well, Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!

Keeping in the tradition I started 3 years ago of recording a Christmas song for the holiday, this year I decided to have some fun and recorded Jingle Bells with the help of my kids and their friends. I worked up an arrangement, laid down some bass, guitar, drums and percussion then invited my kids and their friends down to the studio to do some singing. By the time the last chorus rolled around, I had sufficiently lost control of them all as is evident on the record – but it was awesome. I paid them in Fudgsicles for their efforts and captured some pretty cool moments on the tape.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Going Down Cover

Awhile back I hooked up with my buddy Robb and we sat down for an afternoon and recorded a cover of Going Down by Don Nix. After the session, we sent the tune back and forth a number of times, adding stuff here and there and then it sort of fell off the radar – family, work and other projects just took over. I decided to dig it out and post my last mix of the song. Check it out on YouTube…

I had a lot of fun working on this with Robb, who can be heard on guitar on the right side – I am on the left. Robb also handled all the drums and bass playing, while I took care of vox. Enjoy.